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The Repercussion of Sleep Loss to Endocrine System

Achieving enough sleep every day is vital for human health. Some people encounter sleep loss, and it is a burden to them. For some reason, people’s daily routines have stolen the right kind of lifestyle. Human’s activities each day are eating up the majority of time within the day. This dilemma is resulting in a lack of sleep. Unfortunately, sleep loss affects the human body system in so many aspects. This includes the endocrine system.

The endocrine system handles working on organs, cells, and body functions. For some reason, sleep loss has a significant effect on the endocrine system. If someone’s endocrine system is unhealthy, it will create many-body problems.

These body problems include the dilemma of getting pregnant. Having a hard time managing stress and puberty problems are other body problems too. Gaining weight is also one effect of having an unhealthy endocrine system. The weakening of bones may also take place when endocrine system is unhealthy.

What are the other effects of sleep loss on some parts of the endocrine system?

Impact of Sleep Loss on Hormones

Hormonal imbalance may occur when a person lacks sleep. Cortisol is a hormone that makes people feel awake. The level of cortisol must be quite low during bedtime. But, sleep loss may trigger your body to be more sensitive to dealing with stress.

Stress activates the level of cortisol. It will prevent someone from achieving enough sleep. Once stress triggers the cortisol, the person will feel alert and will have a hard time sleeping at night. This instance proves that sleep loss may cause hormonal imbalance too.

Insufficient sleep may cause diabetes

Experiencing sleep disturbances may affect the regulation of glucose in the human body. Some researchers in the past decade examined glucose regulation. The participants are individuals with standard glucose tolerance. They are people dealing with insufficient sleep.

The researchers found that there is a massive decrease in insulin sensitivity. This applies for adults who are experiencing sleep restrictions. The beta-cell, which produces insulin, is not compensating. This instance happens when sleep loss is taking place. This instance results in increasing the risk of diabetes.

Sleep loss may lower testosterone

The researchers of “Journal of The American Medical Association,” held an experiment for testosterone. They compared the level of testosterone of a group of 10 healthy young men. For the first week, the participants slept eight hours each night. Then, for three nights, they got 10-hour sleep. For another eight nights in the sleep laboratory, they consumed 5 hours of sleep.

After getting the results, it reveals that there is a decrease of 10%-15% on the level of testosterone. This result is a comparison of their rested states and sleepless nights. According to research, there are about 15% of adults in the U.S. that suffer from insufficient sleep per night. The study says that the prolonged loss of sleep has a negative consequence on men’s testosterone.

Sleep loss has a significant impact on some parts of the endocrine system. It is essential to overcome those sleepless nights. If you encounter sleep problems, United Sleep Apnea is here to help you because we care about your health. Dial (888) 212-8379 now. You may also visit our website http://unitedsleepapnea.com/contact for an appointment.

Take The Epworth
Sleepiness Scale Test

Be as truthful as possible. Read the situation then select your response by selecting the following scale to choose the most appropriate number for each situation.

How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations, in contrast to feeling just tired?

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